Digital photography has been a real boon to my woodworking. I find it no end of help to take work in progress shots; it makes me stop and think about what I'm doing for a start, and it also makes an excellent record of a piece for the recipient. It's also handy to have a shots of various techniques and so forth to assist in forum discussions. I use a Fuji Finepix A330 at the moment, with tripod and plenty of practice with the self timer...

This page is always very much a work in progress - I hope! Check back frequently for updates; especially if the weather's been too hot or cold for the workshop. Newest stuff at the bottom.

The Gallery
And to start, not step-by-step at all. But rather a gallery of various things I've inflicted on the world over the years. Hopefully the difference between the older ones and more recent stuff will be clearly visible...
The Music Stand of Myth & Legend
So long in the making, this present for my elder nephew's 18th birthday took on legendary status... The blow-by-blow account that started it all.
Competition Coffee Table
It may have taken me a while to get round to making it, but when I did, this table resulted in an unexpected bonus...
Veritas Spokeshave Kit
All the agonising detail of making one of these wooden shave kits. Fancy something different? How about the Round Sole Remix?
Veritas Spokeshave Handles
Round handles on spokeshaves just don't suit me; luckily there's an option to make your own.
Replacement Plane Tote
This may have been a bit of a drastic step to take with a new plane, but much of it applies to replacing any rear plane handle.
Sixpenny Side Tables
My folks' Golden Wedding Anniversary to mark; a pair of somethings seemed appropriate.
Walnut and Cherry DVD and Video Storage
Someone rather over-stated this one by describing it as a "Media Cabinet". All I know is it's practically overflowing already.
Cleaning a Brace and Bits
Largely an experiment in using citric acid, but other cleaning hints therein for your viewing pleasure. Not strictly a project per se.
Benchtop Bench
In an ideal world you could have workbenches of different heights for different tasks. For the less-than-perfect world I really live in, a bench-on-bench seemed to fit the bill for close-up tasks.
Putting a wooden plane back to work
Another not exactly bona fide project as some think of them, but it's gotta go somewhere...
Spokeshave Scraper
A long term inmate on the Tuit List finally got parole when I wanted something to take my mind off chair-making .
Making & Fitting Hammer Handles
Some have argued it's a waste of time and perhaps they're right. Great spokeshave practice though, and nothing like making an orphan hammer head work again.
Welsh Stick Chair
Coming Soon
Making Best London Pattern Octagonal Chisel Handles
The lengths someone will go to to turn a motley collection of old chisels into "Ooo Ahhh" material...

For Italian speakers, Antonello of the has done a translated version in a PDF - details for acquiring the download .