
Welcome to Cornish Workshop!


Well, as you might have guessed from the title, I live in Cornwall and do a little woodworking. As many modern woodworkers do, I got to thinking that using power tools was the only route to follow. Then I got on-line and discovered a group of hand tool, and particularly old hand tool, enthusiasts calling themselves Galoots. This appealed to the woodworker, history buff and “accumulator” in me (yes, all three of them) and I was hooked. Not to say I’ve entirely sworn off the powered tools, you understand. I’m just much more likely to reach for a hand saw rather than a circular saw to trim a board to length now. The main aim of this site is to cover that side of my woodworking and give back a little in return for all the information I've gleaned from other people's sites.


Despite the in the address, this is a personal, non-commercial website, and like practically every other one, it is very much a work in progress. Please check back regularly and feel free to .

What's New?

Lee Valley Woodworking Newsletter index added, because it was driving me mad trying to find articles, and I thought maybe I wasn't the only one. Plain text-only list; the .

A couple of shooting board designs added to Galootish Gleanings.

Thanks to a reader, there's now an Italian translation of the London Pattern Chisel Handle How To. See Step-by-step projects. Magnifico.

Lewin combination plane box label reconstruction added.


Shooting Gallery

Shooting Board Links All those Huh? What? and Eh? questions about shooting boards, how to make 'em and how to use 'em, answered here. Probably.


Galootish Gleanings

Galootish Gleanings Selected articles from Woodworker Annuals of the 1920s


Tool Dealers

Tool Dealers A list of every old tool dealer in the UK that I’m aware of, including as much recent information as I can find on sources in London and here in Cornwall. I’m sure there are many others that I’ve missed, if you know any (that you’d be willing to share!) please get in touch.

Combi Plane Central

Combi Plane Central, formerly Boat Anchors Ahoy but now there's the How To there's no excuse to use them for parking your watercraft. Links concerning those most derided of planes, the combination and universals. I just can’t help it, I love ‘em to bits.

The Newlyn Tool Chest

The Newlyn Tool Chest Very much a work in progress this one, but some of the initial pics I took to start with; hopefully details of the tools and plans of the chest to follow.


6th December 2003 by Alf

Last Updated 15th April 2011

To find out the latest news
of what I'm making and general woodworkin' ramblin', please check out my Blog.
It gets updated and everything, honest!